The Let's Play Archive

Railroad Ink

by That Italian Guy

Part 12: Final Score

All the drawings have been submitted and the scoring has been completed. As mentioned before, it's been a very tight race! So tight, in fact, that we have an ex aequo first place by score between two players. The thread will have the last word on who's going to be our Rail Road Ink Tournament Champion!

These are the final submissions by all our players (ignore the scoring on them cause they are not necessarily correct):

So, without further ado, these are the final scores for our Tournament:

As you can see, two contestants are tied at the top spot; luckily for us, the rules of Railroad Ink take this eventuality into consideration: In case of a tie, the winner is the player with the fewest Error marks on their board. If they’re still tied, the victory is shared. With one of the longest Railways I've ever seen, the winner of our 1st Railroad Ink SA Tournament is The General! Congrats on your well deserved victory, and please let me know if you prefer to receive two forum upgrades or to a charity of your choice.

Thanks to everyone who was part of the game and I hope you had fun! We may do this again in the future

EDIT: I somehow forgot to add a full "history" of the game! Here it is:

Full Game posted:

Nowhere - Sighence


New Mathsville - Blastinus

Always Show Your Work!

Dimension of Doors - Phelddagrif

That Train Was Just A Car

Linesham-upon-Plastic - Pea


Steelicity - Eeepies

Steelicity - the city of steel cars and trains!

Otisburg - CzarChasm


Sporkia - SporkChan

Sporkia, where we provide the right tool for ALL MANY Most some jobs!

Las Llamas - megane

Life is better with llamas™!

Pompadia - The General


Beltreno - Omobono

Meglio un autobus oggi che un treno domani